Great Save! Watch This Brazilian Drag Racer Steer Himself Out Of Trouble When He Lunches A Motor

Great Save! Watch This Brazilian Drag Racer Steer Himself Out Of Trouble When He Lunches A Motor

Having seen a pretty decent amount of drag racing in my life I can tell you that the scenario you are about to watch does not normally end with the result you’ll see here. No, typically when the driver has to start using the wheel like this guys does, things end in tears. Not here, though. In this scenario we see a  Brazilian drag racer scream down the drag strip and just when the car is hitting full stride it appears to blow an engine up and get into its own sauce.

Rather than the usual scene of a car getting loose and looping around on the track, only to smash face first or tail first into the wall, we see a car get all kinds of sideways and the driver handle it like a boss. Like many videos on the Hot Campinas channel, this one has multiple angles that include the scene inside the car. The critical thing here is that the driver does not over drive the car. Two hands on the wheel he makes the correction with authority, using just enough steering in the process.

We have no idea what this car runs or what the engine package is but it definitely has some power. By our eyes this whole scene came to life at about 1,000ft so the Opala (we think it is an Opala) was deep into triple digit speeds.

Gold star driver of the day award goes to this guy!

Press play below for multiple angles of a Brazilian Drag Racer saving his own hide –

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