California Hot Rod Reunion Photos: We’ve Got Tons Of Nostalgia Drag Racing Photos From Famoso In California

California Hot Rod Reunion Photos: We’ve Got Tons Of Nostalgia Drag Racing Photos From Famoso In California

(Photos by Wes Allison) This past weekend was the California Hot Rod Reunion, one of the two biggest Nostalgia Drag Races in the country, held at Famoso Raceway in Bakersfield and we’ve got all kinds of awesome photos thanks to Wes Allison. He was on hand to shoot all the racing action, so we’ve got a bunch of different photo galleries. If you want to see all the wheels up Door Car action you can handle, we’ve got that. If you want nothing but Dragsters and Altereds, we’ve got that too. And if you think nothing says Nostalgia Drag Racing like Funny Cars, then you’ll love what we have in store for you. But if you love the car show that is held in the famed Grove at Famoso, you’ll be glad to know we’ve got those photos too!

Here is our first gallery, which is all Funny Cars, but we’ve got another gallery that will be posting a bit later this morning with nothing but wheels up Door Cars for you to enjoy. This is also the last NHRA Heritage Series event of the year, so Champions were crowned and the racing was super hot and heavy all weekend. Check out all the action photos this week, starting with the gallery below.


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2 thoughts on “California Hot Rod Reunion Photos: We’ve Got Tons Of Nostalgia Drag Racing Photos From Famoso In California

  1. Tim Clark

    I know that I’m stuck in the 60’s and 70’s, but I can’t understand why the half and half cars ( half retro, half modern ) are still allowed to run against the real retro cars. IMHO if the body and injectors weren’t run in the good old days they aren’t retro.

  2. Rick Duty

    Chad –

    Glad you guys are providing CHRR coverage, and will post who all the Heritage Series season champs are. NHRA themselves seem far too busy to bother with it on their own media options.

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