Crazy Nitro Video: The Wild Thing Sand Drag Nitromethane Powered Trike!

Crazy Nitro Video: The Wild Thing Sand Drag Nitromethane Powered Trike!

In the midst of a phone conversation with a pal, we were directed to hit YouTube and search out the “Wild Thing” sand drag racing trike. Holy hell. This machine uses a four cylinder engine, presumably from a motorcycle which is swilling large percentages of nitro. It throws big header flames, massive amounts of sand, and runs the 300′ sand drag course in less than three seconds. The damned thing sixty foots in 1.02 seconds…on sand!

The engine is a supercharged 1500cc piece that is reported to make in the neighborhood of 1200hp. Kids, that is 1.5-liters of displacement, about 90ci. Without the rider the bike/trike/whatever weighs in a 995lbs, so it literally has a backward power to weight ratio. Those are numbers that should blow away even the most jaded BangShift horsepower junkie.

This bastard really sounds amazing. Crank the speakers to 11, listen to it cack at idle and then when rider/owner Jeff Guillot opens the throttle, all of hell’s fury breaks loose in a torrent of fire and sand. To steal Charlie Sheen’s now overused line, “Winning.”



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2 thoughts on “Crazy Nitro Video: The Wild Thing Sand Drag Nitromethane Powered Trike!


    He had a crash a few months ago. Hopefully he has covered and getting everything back together?

  2. Chaun Benfield

    Wild Thing wednesday from another view, I thought I saw famous crew cheif Steve Mcbride, brother of another famous Mcbride, named Larry. These guys are awesome,

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