If you love G-bodies and you love Radial vs The World or other forms of small tire racing, the literal car of your dreams is for sale. David DeMarco has decided to sell the Buick Grand National that has evolved over the years into the screw blown, hemi powered, 3.80s proven radial monster it is today. Yes, the DeMarco Radial vs The World Buick is for sale and it could be in your shop sooner rather than later if you make him an offer he cannot refuse.
This car has evolved and changed a bunch over the years. It has been a 10.5 car before being revamped into the radial machine that it is today. DMC Racing in Massachusetts has been deeply involved in the car for years and they have overseen a couple of different engine combos and chassis changes during that time. One of the most interesting parts of this car is the fact that it has what is basically a one off carbon fiber roof. Yes, you heard that right. From about halfway down the body pillars right on up, that’s carbon fiber. Why? Trying to get weight out of the car and an ideal place to do it is somewhere high and in the dead center of the machine.
The car has run in the 3.80s in Radial vs The World with the current setup and it is certainly one of the more well known cars out there. In a sea of Mustangs and Camaros, this G-body has always been distinctive for sure. Pretty much every piece on the car is the best stuff you can find. There’s not been corners cut or expenses spared. The boys think that there’s more than the 3.80s that they have discovered in the Buick so far and that means you’d be in some rare company running lots quicker than that.
Want the world’s ultimate small tire Buick? Here it is.