(Photographer unknown at this time) Details are sketchy at this time but photos have emerged showing the 1972 LeMans of Justin Shearer, known as “Big Chief” on television’s Street Outlaws as being absolutely destroyed after a crash with a Fox Mustang driven by Chucky Davis.
We’re working on details at this time. Here’s all we have to go on at this time.
work with at this time.
I hope JUstin is ok the car can be replaced I really love the show brings me back to yesteryear when we used to drag race on the street just like the OutLaws do
I hope big chiefs ok my prayers go out to him and his family
I hope Big Chief is ok and we will give you prayers for the family!LOVE YOU CHIEF
So you had a tv production company pay to close down public streets so you could drag race “Just like the Outlaws do?” ?
Don Schumacher is a jackass
Are you kidding me.
This silly tv show highlights cars racing on a 24 foot wide road..MAX..
I have raced all my life and would never consider this.
The fact that they have started a go fund me page is ludicrous.
Let the Network pay up,besides they are getting paid to be on the ahow.
I can not fund moronic racing.
Keep it on the track,regardless if it’s a closed off road or not.. it’s not prepped or race ready.. heal up guys,but that’s all the support you get from me..
Haha, \”Iduots\”!
The GoFundMe pages are phony. Chief has stated that everyone should keep their money.
They didn’t set up a go fund me some fans did. Big chief already came out and said keep your money.
Wanting money for being stupid. Sounds like half of america wanting something for nothing I hope you never fix it go beat your damn tom tom little chief
You folks are a load of brainless ameobaionic colostomy residuals. Do you diphthongs really think the street outlaws should go out on the open streets and jeopardize the innocence? Delve deeper into this subject matter before spewing your minuscule rantings from your septic holes. The streets are shut down so it’s still STREET. Not prepped. street. Think as long as possible. You may, possibly, even perhaps get it. NAH 🙁
I agree and it is not Real anyway
The show may be fake but most of all those drag racers are actually real drag racers u can watch a video were big cheif wins 20,000 in a tournamen also murder nova races many other of the racers on there race in real life such as daddy Dave
Hey Don. Isn’t there a race team somewhere you need to be raiding?
You need to read up, Justin didn’t start that page. It’s other people trying to get free money off the wreck.
I’ve seen NHRA and IHRA wrecks just as bad, so your point is?
That is because you have an empty sac…. grow a set
Don , you are a heartless ass … Just because you and your silver spoon brat kid have been very lucky ..AND I may say have never been in the military … Like my family has , , You should be ashamed of yourself . not a person I know will EVER buy one of your cheap battery chargers again ., Sorry , if the truth hurts .Big AL , N.H.R.A – racer & Bloomington , MN. > Outlaw Street racer …GODs Speed , Chief !
Wow hope the guys are ok l’m a mechanic and love what I do things happen in the type of business we sometimes have to regroup and come together
I hope that douche bag killed himself..It just reinforces that “reality TV” scrapes the bottom of trailer park trash to make these shows. It’s to bad he didn’t have all those home schooled Kardashian retards riding in the car with him, with that genic disaster of an idiot father Bruce Jenner sitting front and center! This world would be a better place if these self absorbed narcissistic waste of life would be put in that car and set on fire
Yeah, we raced on the street…but not in 8 second cars! If the cars we raced hit 12’s it would have been freakishly fast!
The beginning of the show says it all “Just because we act like idiots, doesn’t mean you should”.
I hate that show and everything it has done for cars.
Thank GOD someone said it. Everything on television is a ruse. These cars are stupid fast and SHOULD NOT be raced on a street
In 1972 a drove a Chevy LS6 powered 1967 GTO. We raced anything ANYTHING that was driven on the street! It was a high 11 second car and we raced on the street! That was 43 years ago. I don’t look back and say it was stupid but I will say it was risky! That’s what we do! I hope that they’re both ok!
Whaaa! The show is entertaining, the cars are nice and fast. Everything a car guy wants to see. Yea some of it is dramatically altered but who cares. These guys know the danger that they could possibly getting in as soon as they sit in that car seat.
Whaaah! The show is entertaining, the cars are nice and fast. Everything a car guy wants to see. Yea some of it is dramatically altered but who cares. These guys know the danger that they could possibly getting in as soon as they sit in that car seat.
Their only doing eight mile on street and at track
Really would u do a quarter mile on the street in an 6 sec car i doubt it
try 6 second cars lol
Ur a douche bag piece of shit these guys almost die all u gata say is stupid ignorant shit fuck off ya jealous man pleaser!!!
Thank you for saying it
I see your a man of eloquent manners and sophisticated tastes. So, to allow myself to sink to your level would simply be uncivilized.
Not a great fan of street racing…at least they had good protection. Hope they’re ok.
If you hate the show don’t watch it!!!!
Pretty simple. Most of us love the show and fully support them All on what they do!
My fav car was the crow can’t believe my eyes it’s destroyed… ;( I’m glad both guys walked away banged up but ok… God is good… Rest well guys and get back on your feet… Love your show
I love this show! The Crow is my favorite and I’m praying for him and his family. Hopefully the car can be rebuilt.
I think the show is Absolutely Fantastic!! I too hope that he’s ok too.
I do not watch the show. But it is always on when I surf the channels. I have watched it enough to know that they are full bore idiots…just as they themselves say they are at the beginning of each show.
How many oil changes or whatever “Big Chief” does will it take him to replace a car that probably cost over $100K to build? Insurance? Not hardly. Street racing violates most standard policies. If there is racing insurance, I am sure it will not cover an unsanctioned street race.
Coffee Idiot joe —- You are looking at T.V. With a dead brain . Its all Entertainment — Please get a clue …
Hey coffee Joe nobody gives a shit about what you think jackass! You obviously don’t even watch the show grow a set put down your I pad and step out of your cozy little coffee shop . Those are real people regardless of the show they put on they knew what they were doing and what risk was involved I’m pretty sure they’re not looking for someone to blame. You wish you had enough balls to get in a 2000 horsepower machine and race down an unpreped street.
Your an idiot. Your one of those guys who sits and talks shit about stuff you know nothing about. Grow some balls and sit in the cockpit of a 2000 hp beast and floor it. Maybe your attitude will change. Everyone has there own lifestyles and that dont make them idiots for racing and fixing cars for a living. Racing is part of our life.
I love the show. I hope both drivers are OK. It’s a shame about the crow. Hopefully the show will go on. At least this show relates to real people. Before all of the big sponsors and all of the bullshit that’s associated with nhra events that are more worried about money than anything else. Ive met some of these guys in person and they are nice guys. Unlike my experience with other drivers with big names I won’t mention, who didn’t have time to talk to a poorboy fan such as myself.
Yah ! Very well put , Robert ,,,,, THANK YOU !
Very sad. First “Daddy Dave”, now the “Big Chief”. Hope this doesn’t mean the demise of the show as people don’t realize they are not really out in traffic putting other lives in danger. Hope Dave & Justin are back in the game soon!
I enjoy watching StreetOutlaws and i really hope Big Chief is OK , The car can be replaced but to lose a life to racing would be a hard hit for sport of real car lovers and drivers…. Big chief our prayer are with you and your family, and the group of racer of the 405 !
Look close at this car and big chiefs car , they are not same car . Turbos are in wrong place , valve covers are wrong , wheels are wrong , this is not big chiefs car .
Big chief recently changed his turbo setup
I searched a bunch. It is his car. The front frame is the same as his build. I also found three other turbo setups on the car.
I hope he is OK and comes back soon
Glade to see I’m not the only one who took notice to the turbo set up
He recently changed the location of his turbos. It is his car.
There was a follow up story about this and it IS Big Chief’s car and he is fine. He, himself, made a statement that he was transported to the hospital for some X-rays, CT scans and some breathing treatments due to anxiety induced asthma attack. He said that the doctors say he would be ok, and they were going to keep him over night again (for a total of a 2 day stay in the hospital) for observation.
The show is great; because, it does show what happens during a street drag race. People will do what they think that can do. I believe Big Chief is okay due to the expensive roll cage that most street racers will not put the money in to. He looks to ware all the personal protection equipment he can when he races. Granted there is no guarantee that one will ever walk away from a race/wreck he certainly greatly improved his chances by preparing for the worst of outcomes. Roll on Big Chief I love the show!
Hope everyone is ok….cars sad to say can be replaced. Husbands & Fathers not. Our thoughts and Prayers go out to all involved.
I hate to hear this, and alot of people think because they are street racers, they race on streets that endanger the lives of innocent people.. nooo..they are always at a CLOSED location. They just dont have to abide by the rules and regulations of strips and time only type racing . Its run what you brung, and hope you brought enough . Isnt that how drag racing got started! I dont believe in racing on any street, and endangering innocent drivers, and niether do they! Its just drag racing at its roots! That is all…. rant over.
Amen brother.
So its okay for them to influence kids to get out here and put there and others lives in danger trying to be like the top 10 dumbasses in the 405. Take this days of our lives crap off TV
I think it was Stanley that said; “So it’s okay for them to influence kids…” My question is simply this: Have you not heard of Parental Controls? Therefore, those of us who choose to watch can & your “kids” won’t be subjected to the show. Problem solved ✔️
Hay , Stanley > Right ON < as a drag racer , I can not say it any better . ! THANKS ..
I hope these guys are ok!!
I don’t condone street racing. Most of us have done it when we were young and dumb. But this show would be great if they did all the call outs and sh$& talking. And meet up at a drag strip on the normal tnt week night to make their passes on the strip. Just like I would want it to happen around here on the streets my family drives on. I love and participate in the no prep races ON THE TRACK.
I do enjoy watching the show but lets face it these are not street cars . I dont think any of them with the exception of the 57 chevy actually van be driven more than a couple miles at a time . They are not even close to street legal. I think the show would be better if these cars could drive to the races instead of trailer queens. It has nothing to do with street racing either the whole concept is to find a spot race and get the hell out before the law gets there,not park 15 trucks pulling trailers on the side of the road for hours at a time. Reality tv can sure fuck up the reality of things. Love the bad ass cars but this is not street racing
They are not truly “street racing”…. Read the fine print in the credits BEFORE the show. Look at all the lighting that’s towed to each supposedly “street race”… They are racing in a street. A street that’s been closed off amd no longer in use for the general public or one that’s been closed down for the show……just like every movie that’s made. More than likely a permanently shut down street that isn’t maintained by the county, state or federal government. Do you really think they could get hooked up to 5-10 towable light towers, get 5-20 or more car haulers/trailers, and the 50 plus people organized enough for everyone to bug out before law enforcement showed up?.?.?.?. More than likely NOT! You may luck up once or twice but not repeatedly every single time!! Not to mention you NEVER see a passing vehicle coming by!.!.!.!. I’m not bashing the show. I am a fan of the show. It puts in perspective what working people (like myself love to do). I personally own a 94mm LS based car and a D1SC prochargered LS Car..both are STREET CARS…. And we used to truly street race on public roads when I was younger. I’m Older with kids now and I wouldn’t never put someone’s family in jeopardy….I may play on public asphalt/concrete but NEVER “race”…. Hope the show lasts another 10 years personally. I enjoy looking at the builds and watching the races. I hate to see what this article is about no matter where or when it happened. Glad everyone is ok
They still race and test on the street without the film crews.
Its not called street racing for the fact of putting thier cars on a everyday street its the fact that its a no prep track sure streets are closed off id rather see barricaded streets than on coming traffic
Lost my 8 second street car in July in a freak accident in a parking lot going about 20 mph. Cars are stuff. Stuff can be replaced. Going through a path of recovering from injuries and then finding something else has not been easy. Heart goes out to the guys that lost their cars here. Good luck Justin .
“Not street racing it’s TV.”
“It realtes to me.”
Glad he’s ok (actually, he isn’t, did you read the injury report???).
Control the environment (as they do, to produce a “show.”)
That car still landed on a HEAP OF BOULDERS!!! WTF is wrong with y’all?
Yeah, sure drag race a damn gravel pit. As long as there’s lights, EMS, and a camera crew…
I enjoyed this show a lot more in it’s early days. Focused more on the cars and how they were built, and not so much shit talk, fighting, cop chases, and other fake drama. All that comes from the polls to gauge the popularity of the series. When people started to lose interest, they scripted in a lot of infighting and arguments. As for the “street racing” content, it is actually on streets, but they are closed for the filming of the episodes. And one more thing, does anybody really believe these guys have the cash to build $100K race cars on the income of those little shops they run? Seems pretty unlikely, don’t it? Daddy Dave was the only one who admitted to being sponsored.
Thoughts and prayers go out to chief sometime things go wrong doing what we love to do
First Kye Kelly gets beat and now Justin wrecks his Crow,,, all this week!!! I believe the TV and the producers are producing a spiritual warfare between who street racers ARE and what TV wants to turn them into…Ever since the television was invented, film crews and TV producers have screwed up audio and video when it comes to serious hot rods of all types…The last few shows I can see the frustration in Justin’s demeanor, as he reads the SCRIPT forced upon him, unlike the way it all started, with impromptu gearheads saying like it is…Now, like most everything else, it has been sensualized and made effeminate for all those who watch, yet have no clue about much of anything in life. We hope any pray all is well with both racers involved in the crash. These racers are for real and they will come back,,, believe that!
First of all I’m glad everyone is ok, second of all it is a reality show and even though the races are always on blocked roads with lights (which by the way has to b like that for discovery channel to sponsor and film due to liability) I guarantee chief would race u anytime and on any street if u got the funds to back it up!!
I hope both racers are ok.
I also just noticed the red light in the door jamb of the Mustang… so this must have happened during filming of the Discovery Channel’s show.
I hope both racers are ok… get well soon, guys.
FWIW, I noticed the red light in the Mustang… so this obviously happened during filming.
That really sucks about the car but I hope Justin is ok . That’s the most important thing.
Holy cow. Glad he’s okay. I know it’s almost Thanksgiving, did he wreck that boat on the rocky shoreline of Plymouth Rock? You know what you don’t see on your average drag strip? A rocky berm!
Glad both drivers r ok it’ll take time but chief will b back at the top as well as daddy Dave…. Justin shearer is a real good sport n loves what he does this will not stop him or the show.#return of the crow
Enjoy the show, just wish would clean up their vocabulary . Seems like they cannot complete a sentence without a beep- beep- beep.
For real dude..it’s fucking reality..if you don’t like it go watch Joel Osteen or something
This shit isn’t reality .this show is a fucking joke anybody who believes this stupid Bullshit is a fucking moron
U are a fucking moron and a heartless asshole
Stop talking bad about big chief
Hope both drivers are ok my god bless them both.
They was filming for next season and Justin changed his turbo setup I hope he’s alright
My prayers are for both drivers and their fams. I pray they heal fast and recover from the loss of their respective machines,and can move forward very soon. The show is awesome and anyone who doesn`t agree don`t have to watch. Good luck guys and Gods speed on your recovery. We love ya here in S.W. Missouri and looking forward to more. PLEASE!!!
I know many of the guys on the show. I have been to Oklahoma and have hung out with them there and at the PRI show in Indy. They are just a bunch of everyday guys who happen to have some very fast cars and became well-known for it. Yes, the streets are shut down, permits pulled, etc. for the racing that is on the show. It only makes sense. Liability of the production company could be crazy should an incident occur if they filmed actual illegal street races. That said, the show is NOT like pro wrestling where the winner is predetermined.
I hope that Justin Shearer and Brad (Chucky) Davis are both okay. They can build new cars, but we can’t replace a good friend.
I love the show and the people and cars on it. These cars are no joke and are capable of 7 second quarter mile times easily yet they force them down closed off public roads not prepped race tracks for our entertainment and there own. My hat off to those guys and I pray for a quick recovery for chucky and chief. I can’t wait to see what they build next. Again I sincerely hope for a quick full recovery to you both.
Hope the big chief is ok
Hope Big Chief is ok. Definitely dig the show.
Hope he is ok.prayers to him and his family.
I have 2 parts cars after owning 7 of these
Big chief is gonna be ok . He sent a thankyou out here is what he said from his hospital bed Big chief talking in hospital. THANK YOU EVERYONE…. I’m pretty beat up right now. Just woke me up for some breathing treatments. Pulmonary contusions (bruised lungs). Crushed my L2 and L3 in my back, broken collarbone, and pretty beat up, but so thankful to be alive right now. They got me on non stop oxygen and another round of cat scans, and X-rays coming up. The surgeon doesn’t believe i will need back operation anymore, but they are going to keep me in the hospital again tonight to keep an eye on the lungs, YES I WILL BE BACK! The GOFUND ME CAMPAIGNS were not created by my people or family… I have no idea about them, please KEEP YOUR MONEY. I will update everyone as i get info from the Doctors! The CAGE and safety equipment saved my life!
We are glad you’re OK and hopefully no major surgery and
God’s speed on recovery we love the show.
Hey man I’m a fan of you and the show I’ve had some pretty quick cars most of my drag racing was on the tracks of the Pacific Northwest how u guys get those down a unprepped road is amazing . time to build a new car .been there done that get well can’t wait to see what’s next
I’m glad you’re okay I’m a dedicated fan watch the show every Monday mahalo for doing the things you do to keep the show interesting and always wondering what’s going to happen next.maybe someday you’ll make it over to Hawaii I can show you around.
I glad your OK cars can be rebuilt. I was involved in a bad crash in a street race years ago safty gear was used and I fair well other the Ticket and court dealings. Keep you head move forward .
Glad to hear you’re alright Big Chief!! My husband & I have the show set to record every week on the dvr & we’re big fans. My husband was at work & texted me then called when he got service & the 1st thing he asked me was if I’d got his text about you wrecking the crow. At that time we didn’t know if you were ok, so I’m glad I found the text you had Daddy Dave send out for us fans to read!! Thank you!! Our prayers are with you for a complete & fast recovery so you can get back out there, build another car & continue doing what you love & enjoy!! Just always keep it safe with all the safety equipment & grear like you had this time!! Easy on your back & follow doctors orders on it!! Trust me, I know cause I’ve been in a (regular) car wreck & broke my neck years ago, now I have lots of problems & even more pain, the spine & spinal cord is nothing to mess with!! Take it easy & hope we see you back on the show racing again soon!! Your fans from Arkansas.
Was just a matter of time.
No matter he’s had it for years, we’ll wreck it for the right amount of money to bring clicks and viewers.
Dam I hate that see I love the show I hope ur ok and I know u will rebuild but ur spot is gone
Ok I watch the show cause I’m in to cars and racing but back in the day we used to go to car shows wait until midnight and go to roads and race we never trailered are cars we drove then ya some trailered then but they unloaded them least half mile away yes gas was expensive that’s what you raced for n hopefully some new parts but that’s what a street car is but yes I’m sorry what happened
Hope Justin is doing well and the crow was a 1972 GTO judge not a LeMans hope u make a speedy recovery BIG CHIEF
It\’s actually a LeMons with a GTO clip. They say that in the show. Murder Nova gives Chief grief about it.
our prayers are with you!!! stay strong!!! we love you all
Hope Big Chief and Chucky are both able to overcome their injuries and rebuild their vehicles. My thoughts go out to their families, take care and make it back bigger than ever.
Amen hope you get well Chief your in my prayers
Tell Big Chief it can’t rain all the time. Feel better soon.
What about chucky what is his condition
Hang in there guys sorry for your loss mechanically get back up on that bitch and ride
Love the show and I pray the guys heal up fast. To all the show haters this is where drag racing started. We have all done it even Don Schumacher. I think it’s a awesome show and discovery should keep filming.
Thoughts and prayers go out to Big Chief and his family my son and I love your show been on DVR since first episode .You Guys Rock !!!!!!!!! And to Dick Head Donn Schumacher ,get a life ,grow a pair bring your ride to the 405 and find out just how real it is ,street racing is what brought the strip to drag strip ,so take your whinning drag queen ass back to the couch and watch CNN
I watch the show. I can take it or leave it. You have to consider that whatever the show has become, it had to start somewhere. The premise of these dozen or so outlaw cars, racing on the streets in Oklahoma wasnt some idea that the shows producers came up with,…..those guys had to be doing that junk before one minute of tape ever rolled. That would be 30-40-50 year old men, racing 2000+ HP cars illegally on real streets before the show, and it’s lawyers ever came into the picture.
So,…bottom line, for all the guys endorsing how controlled the show is now, the fact is, these were the guys that you read about taking out a dozen or so spectators, when one of those outlaw cars raced on an unprepared street got loose. The kind of wrecks that Daddy Dave just experienced, and now Justin happen every day on drag strips every where.
Doing it on the street w/o the benefit of a guard rail, or a professionally prepped surface to keep that much power stuck, is only a matter of time until all of the 405 end up the same.
I hope that douche bag killed himself..It just reinforces that “reality TV” scrapes the bottom of trailer park trash to make these shows. It’s to bad he didn’t have all those home schooled Kardashian retards riding in the car with him, with that genic disaster of an idiot father Bruce Jenner sitting front and center! This world would be a better place if these self absorbed narcissistic waste of life would be put in that car and set on fire!
It is obvious that these guys run safe events. As safe as any sanctioned event. These guys only risk there own lives to do what they love. We all take risk trough out life and managing those risk is a big part of what life is about. From beginning to the end. I see too much anger and jealousy through out this country of ours. We need to be looking out for each other in the world we live in today. Not looking for a place to vent. Thank God For building this country and giving us the freedoms that we enjoy and that The Chief is Ok. GOD BLESS and MERRY CRISTMAS.