(Photos and words by Brad Klaassen) – Thunder Valley Raceway Park near Noble, Oklahoma pulled out all the stops for this month’s edition of their Pro Street Racing Association event this past Saturday night, July 6th. The joint was packed with fans and the pits were full of some of the most bad ass drag machines you’ll find in the land of red dirt us Okies call home. TVRP even had fireworks during the national anthem. Talk about an epic event!
For those of you not familiar with the PSRA style racing it’s pretty basic. The big boyz of the show are the heads-up Outlaw Pro Mods that run in the low 4s in the 1/8 mile, then Mod 275, Real Street, and 6.00, 7.00, 12.00 and 13.00 index classes. These guys and gals put on a fantastic show once a month at TVRP. July’s edition was number four of six to be contested this season. If you’ve been following along like good Bangshifters should you have already seen my coverage from the past two events. However, if you failed to check out any of the past PSRA galleries from TVRP, you can always go back to the archives and give them a look see.
So what are you waiting for? Quit reading the dumb stuff I have to babble about and go check out the racing action from the Pro Street Racing Association at ThunderValleyRacewayPark.
See you at the drags.
Killer shots Bad Brad, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for checking out my shots Greg.