There’s lots of stuff that happens on the road in the world of professional drag racing that is hilarious and so much of it happens without a camera around so when something awesome does happened and it gets filmed? We’re totally going to show you. If you are looking at the lead photo and wondering, “Is that a massive block of concrete about to mash a scooter into the Earth?” You’re right. The act of mashing the scooter is one thing but the situation that led up to it is even better.
Drag racing has a long history of pranks. Tommy Ivo was notorious for making people’s stuff disappear and generally making a nuisance of himself on the road. There have been lots of funny things that have happened over the years and lots of them live on as legends and lore but this one? This one is on tape and to be honest, it is the first salvo in what appears to be a simmering prank war between Chad Head and Larry Crispe. Larry is the longtime facility manager of Bandimere Raceway and is part of the Bandimere family. His sons are the famed “traction twins” that ply their trade on strips around the country to give racers the best gription possible.
The rough story we heard is that Chad Head decided to play a joke on Larry when he discovered a cache of the track’s equipment. Being that Chad and his father Jim operate Head Inc. a massive airfield pavement service company, he knows how to run virtually everything you could possibly imagine. After starting literally everything that would run and spreading some dirt and stuff around in places it did not need to be, he waited for Larry to find out and reveled in the discovery. Being that revenge is a dish best served cold, Larry waited until late one night after everyone had left the track during last weekend’s NHRA Mopar Mile High Nationals and he absconded with Chad’s pit scooter.
Taking the pit scooter to a wide open piece of the property and propping it up on a stand, got a Lull construction forklift and used it to fetch a massive hunk of cast concrete. As proof of his own ability as a machine operator, Larry dropped that sucker dead nuts on top of the little scooter squashing it to a height of a couple inches tall. The boys delivered the 2-dimensional scooter back to Chad in the morning and started a joke “scooter fund” to get them a new unit. They raised $3.00.
The last thing we knew, Chad was vowing revenge on an even more intense level. Yes, this may escalate quite quickly. Someone better get video!
Dad 1. Chad Head 0. This was EPIC
Posted by Traction Twins on Sunday, July 26, 2015
This is proof positive as to where drag racing has gone. This act is NOT FUNNY. Chad should be punished by NHRA for such an irresponsible act, that sort of proves that only the rich can play any more. This is a disgrace to the sport of drag racing.
HUH?! Chad isn’t the one that crushed his own scooter.
Guess you have never heard the stories of guys burning rental cars to the ground for decades?
Your an idiot! Read the artical very slowly so your mind can understand the words. Crispe dropped the block on Chads scooter not Chad. As far as the NHRA goes they could use a little more hell raising to get their ratings up higher. These guys work their ass off for what they have and if they want to have a little fun so be it. My only regret is that I was not there to enjoy the fun with them. Sounds like I missed a damn good time. Way to go Chad and Larry.
I am sure they both thought it was funny, for them its no big deal !
heaven forbid some guys have fun at track messing with each other. Drag Racing is stressful anyone who can see the humor in this doesn’t have a clue about drag racing and being on the road 26 weeks out of the year.
We live in a world full of people who’s first reaction is to crap on everything, even people having fun.
People need to relax. It was a little fun, and I would imagine it’s not the worst that has ever gone on. Why does anyone need to come to any of their defense and say someone needs to be punished in the first place? These are adults that know what they are doing. Based on the looks of the scooter, I think it was about time to be replaced…lol.
That’s great stuff right there, but I don’t know, I definitely think he could’ve gotten it a lot flatter… I mean, c’mon, the muffler is still intact! Can’t wait to see what Chad will pull in return now…
PS. in response to Bill Campana’s comment… Did you have your glasses on when you read the article about the video? It was fun and games between friends. I’m sure Chad Head isn’t going to fret too much about the cost of his pit scooter, I think he can easily cover it, as well as I’m sure Larry Crispe can. To everyone else, question… How many pranks and stunts can you remember in drag racing? I’m guessing there were a LOT more back in the 60’s and 70’s! If anything, drag racing today has gotten way too conservative, the wild days were back in the day
Big boys just having fun!
LOL the only thing better would have been if they could have delivered the scooter with the concrete block on top of it.
I think it would have been way funnier if they had put the scooter on top of the team’s rig or support vehicle at the hotel…or Head’s bus if he still has it. Or drag it up on the hill with a big arrow pointing to it. Something a little more clever than smashing it with no one around.
Seems lame and lazy to me. Old pranks used to be much more creative.