Drag Racing on SKETCHY Old Airstrip for CASH: Kansas Cash Days

Drag Racing on SKETCHY Old Airstrip for CASH: Kansas Cash Days

We’ve seen some sketchy spots to street race, but this no prep racing action for Kansas Cash Days has got to be up there near or at the top of the list. This old “airstrip” is something that a crop duster might land on, but it certainly would not be classified as a runway by anyone. If you know anything about aircraft, you’ll know that this place was never intended to take care of planes of any real size. Hell, this runw… I mean airstrip, hardly seems wide enough to fit two cars even if they weren’t racing each other.

Check out the video and let us know what you think the sketch factor is on this thing.

Video Description:

A fun day of no prep cash days Small Tire racing on a sketchy old airstrip in Kansas. This place is pretty cool! Big thanks to Sho Me Racing and Team Roadgrader for putting it on. THANKS to all of the racers that made the trip!

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5 thoughts on “Drag Racing on SKETCHY Old Airstrip for CASH: Kansas Cash Days

  1. Darey Rhodes

    3 miles from my house! Runway surface is sketchy at best. It’s been abandoned for many years with no maintenance.

  2. Gary D

    My thoughts –
    1. Better here than on a crowded public street.
    2. The starter is crazy to be between those cars on that strip.
    3. Did any cars launch off that hockey stick run out area?

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