This is one of those cool videos that does not have any carnage, explosions, busted parts, or high flying antics. Hell, we don’t even get to see how hard this thing spiked the rollers but what we do get to see is the kind of thing that every hardcore gear loves, the literal chained fury of a car working at full tilt to make power.
This video appeared on YouTube, posted by a page called Mayhem Videos and we watched it a couple of times. The only information we have on the car is what’s in the video title, “600i and a 800 shot of nitrous”. Is any of that correct? Who knows but we are 100% sure that this car is tear your face off fast. Oh, it also shoots fire out the exhaust and there’s no going wrong with that.
Cars like this one are where the drag racing scene is gravitating to these days. At least the scene of people in the 40 and under bracket. We’re not sure if this dude is out and about at the local track with this car running grudge stuff and no time stuff or if he is tuning it up for his next illicit meeting with a rival on the streets, but we do know that a car like this spins our crank damned hard. Why? They are pissed off, they are on the ragged edge, and they look like a really, really hot car should look.
It does not seem that car show looks are a concern here and that’s fine with us. The couple of Dzus buttons on the bumper are telling us that thing is ‘glass and the rest of this car is probably pretty violent as well. Sometimes not knowing the numbers is a good thing. We’ll go right on believing what the description tells us and watch with a big fat grin on our face.