Epic Street Race Footage: Never Before Seen 1320Video From The Stockholm Open In Sweden

Epic Street Race Footage: Never Before Seen 1320Video From The Stockholm Open In Sweden

I’ve been seeing photos or video from the Stockholm Open street races for decades. Yes decades, because this race got started way back in 1982. It has grown considerably since then, and because the technology used by Police makes it harder than ever to stay out of jail, the process for getting these races done has changed a lot over the years. This one big street racing event is now being held all over town. Yep, in the first round each pair of cars is in a different location and the same happens for each round. The may visit the same spot a couple of times during the night, but the aren’t sitting there running pair after pair of cars in one location like we do here in the United States. It is a very smart plan actually, and the added bonus is that cars are required to drive to and from the race spots so it’s like Rocky Mountain Race Week but in one night.

Here is the description of this video, including the reason for this footage just being found and played for the first time.

Due to some complications, this insane street racing footage from the Stockholm Open 2017 has never seen the light of day, until NOW! Stockholm Sweden has the craziest street racing we have ever had to privilege to be a part of! Stopping all traffic and getting races off all over the city, even right in front of the police! These guys are HARDCORE. See what makes Stockholm Sweden home to the CRAZIEST street racing in the world!

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