Great Video: This Intense Look Back At The NHRA Top Fuel Final From Phoenix Rules!

Great Video: This Intense Look Back At The NHRA Top Fuel Final From Phoenix Rules!

The top fuel final round at the NHRA Phoenix race was literally one for the books. Two of the young female stars of the category were both vying for their first win. Both were working with new crew chiefs. Both have lofty expectations on their shoulders from teams and sponsors. Both had been in the position before. Both were wanting a moment that would define their season and legitimately launch their careers. Only one would have it. When two women last lined up against each other in a top fuel final Ronald Reagan was in office. Their names were Shirley Muldowney and Lucille Lee. This was live on national television, this was front and center in the age of social media. This would be in the headlines the next day. For both Brittany Force and Leah Pritchett this is what they had been working their whole lives for.

The video below was produced by NHRA and released the other day on YouTube. It is pretty awesome. Focusing solely on the competitors before the final round we see them preparing for the run, the run, and the aftermath. The use of slow motion and footage that would have otherwise been B roll is awesome. Looking back on a situation like this in hindsight, certain small things become more important. Little things that one may have missed in the hullabaloo of the moment are focused on in this video. There’s nothing but the two drivers here. No crowd noise, no nothing. Just a driving sound track and one of the most important stretches of time either woman has yet experienced in their career.

Brittany Force will get hers but the record will show that Leah Pritchett got hers first. We may not be yet ready to brand it a rivalry yet, but give us a couple more of these finals and we’ll gladly sign on that dotted line.

(Outside of this video, the coolest part of the whole deal with Leah’s crew chief Mike Guger getting his first national event Wally. He was a disciple of Dale Armstrong and has lived his life the sport. One of the true good guys who loves it more than anyone else, it was awesome to see his emotional reaction to winning this race.)

Press play below to see this intense video profile of the Phoenix top fuel final!


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1 thoughts on “Great Video: This Intense Look Back At The NHRA Top Fuel Final From Phoenix Rules!

  1. Erik

    Congrats to Leah on a well deserved win! I was a bit disappointed with the regular coverage when it happened, but this helps make up for it. Anybody’s first win should trigger a special flashback montage or something. Cool for BVR to have it come together quickly as well!

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