By now, you should have read our interview with Jon Lundberg, the truly great drag racing announcer from the golden era of the sport. Lundberg was called the “Voice of Drag Racing” during his time because he announced everywhere and he also lent his voice to movies, records, ads, and whatever else was necessary. This video is one that he did the voice over work for and it was used to promote the “United States Racing Team” that traveled to Europe and was even showcased at the White House as well.
The movie is called, “Drag Racing: Sport of the People” and to our untrained eye it appears to be a promotional film for the United States Drag Team or perhaps for the sport in general. It would have been a handy tool to use when pitching large corporate sponsors due to all the information contained in the movie. It is a fantastic (if not a little biased) look into the sport as it was during the heyday of pro stock, funny car, and early rear engine fuel dragster competition. We cannot verify any of the numbers thrown around and we don’t really care. What we do care about is the fact that this film was made and likely helped to sway some guys with horsepower to get behind the sport. While the delivery may be “period correct” the message is on point for today’s world for sure.
The footage is totally awesome featuring all those names we love from the past in virtually every category. The voice over guy ain’t bad either. Oh yeah, there are just a couple of hotties caught on film in here as well.
Tune in for a great look at drag racing circa the early 1970s