We were very saddened to hear of the passing of John Andretti, a man who stands as one of the most diversified race drivers in modern history, who stands as a well loved man by virtually everyone that knew him, and who raised millions of dollars to help sick kids at Indiana’s Riley Hospital for Children. This was a man who came from perhaps America’s most famous racing royal family and he lived up to that legacy by proving his abilities in a modicum of genres. He won in IMSA, he won in NASCAR, he won on asphalt, he won on dirt, he drove NHRA top fuel. Few people if any in racing over the last 25 years have anything close to his resume.
Andretti had an aggressive and ultimately unstoppable form of colon cancer. It is a nefarious disease that discriminates against no one Age, accomplishments, character, and accolades are all meaningless to it. We have all been touched by cancer in some way. Some know those who ave survived, some know those who have left our company because of it.
It is crummy to revel in the things someone did in their professional life after they have passed away. We’re as guilt as any of this and it’s perhaps human nature to make that review of what someone achieved after they have left the proverbial room. When you read this account of his racing career your eyes will bug out and you’ll find yourself saying “Wait, he did that too?” because that is what we did the whole time we were reading it.
When John went drag racing in 1993 I remember being a fan because it was perhaps a validation of the sport that I loved. It was this guy who was good at stuff people paid attention to on an international stage and he was coming to MY sport. He was a solid top fuel driver. The 1993 Southern Nationals was his high point of achievement, knocking off Joe Amato and Tommy Johnson Jr before falling to Mike Dunn. He embraced drag racing and drag racing embraced him. This video rules.
While John lost his life to a horrible disease, he was a central figure in raising money to prevent kids losing theirs in a similar way. The guy was committed and so successful at helping keep the Riley hospital well funded that his legacy and work in Indiana make his racing accomplishments look quaint.
Goodbye, wheelman.
A good man was needed….. R.I.P. John
RIP John, cancer sucks.
My condolences go out to the Andretti family at this time. My you Rest In Peace John and all the race fans thank you for all your accomplishments both on and off the race track.
At age 61 I’ve had three colonoscopies. If your doctor tells you to get one, do it. Other than the laxative that really cleans you out the procedure is absolutely painless. You’ll be out the whole time. Colon cancer is treatable if caught early.
All in the auto world mourn the loss of John Andretti, a racer worthy of his name. A man worthy of his life. He will be missed .