BangShifter and land speed racer Joe Jolly sent us a tip to this wild Craigslist ad that features a partially built jet powered Pinto wagon that needs to be finished. For starters, the man building the car passed away and it is being sold by his wife. That is a total bummer and we’re sorry that the guy never got the chance to finish his vision for this wagon. Us calling it a “jet powered” Pinto wagon is slightly misleading (but it sounds better!). This thing actually has what looks to us to be a 302ci Ford small block in the nose and the jet engine was to be used for fire shows and stuff, not to actually shove this thing down a drag strip.
The car is very early on in what could be considered “the build”. There is some neat looking cowling that has been added, presumably to allow the jet engine to breathe in the back of the car. There’s a layout for a zillion aviation style gauges in the dash, there’s no interior, we’re not sure if the engine is finish mounted or if it just mocked into place.
The engine is a neat story in and unto itself. The guy who was building the car bought it from the railroad as it was used to blow snow and ice from the tracks to keep the trains rolling. Apparently it ran when he bought it.
So there it is. A diamond in the rough. A potentially awesome and 100% BangShifty combo. Small block Ford in the front and a turbine in the back. It is like a mechanical mullet only 15,000% more awesome than that. Think someone will buy this thing and finish it? We sure hope so.
I wonder how long the ole’ boy was working on this for… I couldn’t help but notice it is less than an hour from EJ Potter’s old home. Connection?
That’s the first thing I thought of…Jet Engine….Michigan…Crazy idea…this thing screams EJ! Long live the Michigan Madman!!
Oooohhhhh, I need – just need to put an LS in the front to really make it go
I doubt if this will need to be recalled to install the modification shield on the rear end to keep the gas tank from rupturing on if if rear ended. Nobody will be able to or even want to get close to the rear of this car if it ever is finished.