(Photos by Greg Rourke and Bob Chiluk) – The photo hits just keep on coming from the 2017 Meltdown Drags. Bob Chiluk and Greg Rourke absolutely crushed it and we’re still seeing the fruits of their labor on a day to day basis. This is really fun stuff to see and a testament to the hard work that has been done over the years to turn the Meltdown Drags event from kind of a small club setting to the monster that it is today.
While people are all interested to see the cars perform on the strip, no one is trying to set a record or really do a whole lot more than have the time of their life. That’s the beauty here. The attitude and execution of the event are what really makes it.
We’d say more but you want to get to the photos….do it!
see one on the bike riders wasn’t too worried about safety. had dungarees on. another idiot.
One man’s safety fixation is another man’s Nancy-Boy. In the US we call those “blue jeans”
Love the whole event. Thanks for the photos!