The NHRA has embarked on an interesting program in 2017, inviting various different racing groups from around the sport of drag racing to put on exhibitions at select races across the country. The Redemption cars came to Houston, the X275 crew was in Epping, and at Sonoma there was a big and small tire class of cars, all provided by Team Boddie. The small tire class was basically all about 275-tires and featured such well known entities as Ryan “Toaster” Jones and George Raygoza. On the big tire side there was Jay Boddie himself, guys like Cole Dow, Rod Burbage, and others. Among the other was Monti Fitzgerald and he provided some unintended and unexpected excitement during his Friday test pass.
With a freshly NHRA Safety Safari prepped track, a 14-71 blown big block, and no wheelie bar, the stage was set for some antics that most NHRA fans had likely never seen before. As soon as Fitzgerald attempted to pull away from the starting line, the nose of the car went to the moon…literally. Standing nearly vertical, Fitzgerald pulled his foot out of it but the ferocity of the landing forced his right foot back down and this time the car leapt up in the air, brining all four tires off the track momentarily.
The second landing finished off the oil pan and the car left about a two foot stripe of the sauce for the whole length of the strip. Monti sure didn’t mean to do it and frankly with the NHRA’s ability to replay stuff with their production equipment it made for a fun few minutes of “reviewing the tape”.
Sure–Monti didn’t mean to do it——–oiled down THE ENTIRE quarter mile and almost all the shut down.———why???? why didn’t he just pull to the side when it happened.. nooooo lets keep our foot in it and zig-zag the whole length of the track and dely things for an hour
That show was way more fun to watch than Pro Stock.
Clue: The pedal on the right has more than one operating position. Talented drivers notice that.
Wonder how his back feels… We had a guy this weekend at our local 1/8 mile shindig oil 3/4 of the track, twice, in the same day, due to the same problem. Didn’t even lift a broom to help clean it up.