It’s the sound that we know so well here at BangShift, given the amount of time we spend working the 1320. The noise when a highly strung drag machine goes from sitting perfectly still to when the rear slicks, which had been minding their own business, cooling off from the burnout, get drilled into the ground by a wave of torque. As the sticky rubber fights the surface for a semblance of traction, there’s a really unique sound that can best be described as a ripping, tearing, or scratching noise as the rubber and the track surface duke it out for supremacy. Not every race car makes this noise, but the ones that do are the hard chargers, the ones that are just over the line between hooking and blowing the tires off. It’s the sound of having everything right. It’s the sound of the violence that we just can’t get enough of once the ambers flash and the green starts to light. It’s the way it should be.