(Photos by Wes Allison) Our NHRA Winternationals photo coverage starts right here with Sportsman drag racing action, including Top Sportsman winner Don Meziere! Meziere has been a BANGshift.com sponsor for several years and we send our congratulations to Don and the entire Meziere family. In this first gallery of photos by Wes Allison you are going to see plenty of wheels up Sportsman action, but we’ve got tons of other photos coming too!
We’ve got Funny Car, Pro Stock, Top Fuel, Pits photos, and more to share with you all week long so stay tuned for all of those as well. Big thanks to Wes for making it happen all weekend while standing on the wall and getting the best shots. We do appreciate it and know that you do as well.
Check out all the photos in our first gallery below and remember that clicking on any photo will make it bigger and open it up in our photo slideshow so you can click through them all.
Actually had the chance in a brief encounter with Brian Lohnes to express my thanks in person for this site which I have enjoyed for many years now. Of course I also congratulated him on the “big gig” at NHRA.