More PDRA Pro Modified Action Photos From Virginia Motorsports Park – They Were Flying In VA!

More PDRA Pro Modified Action Photos From Virginia Motorsports Park – They Were Flying In VA!

(Photos by Benoit Pigeon) – It was a historic weekend for the PDRA in Virginia with a big car count of almost 200 competition vehicles (in all categories) and some great action across the board. Perhaps the biggest news of the weekend was the Pro Nitrous win by Lizzie Musi which was her first and she was also the first person to beat Jason Harris in a PDRA final round this year as Harris has dominated the Pro Nitrous category winning all four of the previous PDRA contests in 2014. The crowd at VMP also got to see class wins from Brandon Snider in the NAS Racing Pro Extreme class, Cary Goforth with his third Extreme Pro Stock victory of the season, Kevin Rivenbark in Precision Turbo/Proline Pro Boost and veteran rider Billy Vose with his first PDRA win in Pro Extreme Motorcycle. Sportsman winners were Bruce Thrift in Magnafuel Top Sportsman, Derrik Sholar in STT Safety Equipment Top Dragster, and Preston Tanner and David Roloff in Huddleston Performance Pro Jr. Dragster and Top Jr. Dragster, respectively.

Bangshift Pro Mod photog extrodinare Benoit Pigeon was on hand to shoot the race and he delivered one awesome gallery the other day and this final installment today. The hot weekend didn’t slow down his lens, as evidenced by these great shots!


button” text=”CLICK HERE to see our second and final gallery of Pro Mod photos from the PDRA race at VMP”]


PDRA Virginia Motorsports Park088

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1 thoughts on “More PDRA Pro Modified Action Photos From Virginia Motorsports Park – They Were Flying In VA!

  1. 38P

    Lots of hideous “plastic surgery” in that group of pro mods. Urp!

    (Hope I get that residual puke taste out of my mouth before lunch . . . )

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