Reuniting The Original Owner With His 1972 AMC Javelin Racecar 30+ Years After He Had To Sell It!

Reuniting The Original Owner With His 1972 AMC Javelin Racecar 30+ Years After He Had To Sell It!

The Javelin adventures continue! In the first two videos in this series, they found and saved this old AMC drag car after it had been sitting for more than 30 years. There were all kinds of adventures, history, and more that came along with the car, but ultimately it had still just been sitting and that’s not good. With a 431 cubic inch AMC under the hood, that was built to be a drag race engine, it was going to be interesting to see if the thing had survived after all this time. And who better to have take a look before breaking something than our friend Lake Speed Jr. Now the original owner is seeing it for the first time in years.

This is a super cool video series, so watch the latest here and use the link below if you haven’t seen all the videos so far.


Video Description:

This time on Sally’s Speed Shop we managed to track down the original owner of our 1972 AMC Javelin project who had to sell the car over 30 years ago. He hadn’t heard anything about the car since the day it was trailered away back to Wisconsin by Tony Mancusi. It was so cool to be able to show him the car and get his side of the story. He even brought along some old photos of the car from when he first bought it and when it was being built in his friend, John Dover’s, backyard shop as well.

Then Sally herself stopped by for a visit and wanted to check out the Javelin! Now to get this car finished up and on the track so she doesn’t have to make the motor noises herself haha

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