Take A Tour Of The Mickey Thompson Operation In Ohio – This Is Cool And The Place Is Huge!

Take A Tour Of The Mickey Thompson Operation In Ohio – This Is Cool And The Place Is Huge!

This is a cool video for a couple of reasons. For starters we get to take a peek behind the curtain at Mickey Thompson Tires at their massive operation in Ohio. The second reason is the guy giving us the tour is someone that  lot of BangShifters likely know…or at least know the sound of. Our guide is Carl Robinson. You can hear Carl announcing for the PDRA during their wild events all spring, summer, and fall long. When he’s not at the drags, he’s working hard along with his fellow Mickey Thompson brethren to not only keep the legacy of their amazing founder alive but also to keep driving the performance and innovation that he was known for in his life.

Through the course of the video we get to see the scope of the Mickey Thompson inventory and Robinson talks about some of the most well known products the company makes, the direction the company is heading, especially with drag tires, and how diverse their line is. While BangShifters on the whole love them some land speed racing and likely know that the company makes a tire that is capable of withstanding speeds of 500+ miles per hour. They are obviously not a high volume mover but they are made because the company wants to provide racers with a high quality option when they push the absolute limits of speed.

Of course, off road tires have always been a part of the Mickey Thompson story and today is no different. The company’s Baja Claw line is known throughout the land as a killer in all different types of terrain and territory. With sizes that fit the trucks you see rolling around on the streets all the way up to 50+ inch steam rollers that are designed to be worn by massive rigs and buggies that crawl over rocks, chew through sand, and slog through mud.

It is always cool to see behind the scenes of a place, especially a facility the size of this one with the company name that has the heritage that this one has. Carl is a good host and you’ll dig the video!

Press play below to take a tour of Mickey Thompson Tires With Carl Robinson –

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