There are certain things about this video that are totally normal and expected. The first is that a hot rodded VW Beetle does a wheelstand. We see this frequently at the track and there’s nothing weird about it. With the engine hanging behind the rear axle and a literal sea of hot rodding parts and options for these cars, seeing one hang the front end is pretty normal. On the unexpected side of things, the duration of the wheelie, the height of the wheelie and the fact that the tree gets mowed down all receive marks in that category.
Typical VW wheelies are pretty quick because of the shortness of the first gear in the transmission. The cars are usually up and down long before they make it to the tree and they are normally not on one wheel like is the case here. Once the balance of the car got upset and one wheel got more weight than the other, things began to get weird during this run from Brazil.
The one thing we’re trying to figure out is whether the car actually touched the tree of if the cushion of wind coming off of the bottom of the car is what ultimately caused the portable style tree to fall over. There’s a collection of stills to go along with this video and those may ultimately tell the tail.
We’re not 100% sure that the car actually touched it or not!
is that oil drip pan under the car?????
Google QUIK and dirty VW…Longest wheelies out there..
I am impressed with getting three wheels off the ground.
I think it caught the horizontal dial-in board at the base of the tree. It was straight before (1:10), while it looks bent after it passed (1:26).