The Most Insane Mooning Story Ever Told – Nicky Bonifante Tells A Wild One Started By Scott Kalitta

The Most Insane Mooning Story Ever Told – Nicky Bonifante Tells A Wild One Started By Scott Kalitta

In the realm of stupid and hilarious things, this story as told by Nicky Bonifante is Olympic level. Bobby Bennett at captured the interview and the tale as part of his Storytellers series and the video is nuts. You’ll smile, gasp, shake your head, and actually wonder how everyone lived through one of the wildest things we have ever heard.

When three guys are in a van and the boss demands that all three of them moon another van…even the guy that is driving, you KNOW this is going to be a good one.

Scott Kalitta being the boss in this situation may make you understand how the whole program unfolded. We never had the pleasure of meeting Scott but to hear about his life and times through the guys that spent the most time with him and knew him the most, he seems like about as big a larger than life character his father is.

If you lack a sense of humor and cannot appreciate a good story move along. This one may offend your refined sensibilities! If you have both of those things, buckle up because this is freaking awesome!

Press play below to see this hilarious video starring Nicky Bonifante –

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