The American Powertrain Parting Shift: Ripping Gears On The Street In A Jeffco Equipped El Camino

The American Powertrain Parting Shift: Ripping Gears On The Street In A Jeffco Equipped El Camino

The Jeffco planetary transmission may not be quite as well known as the Lenco but it is one hairy beast of a gear box that works in much the same way as the Lenco with some notable differences. The late original founder of the company had experience with Lenco and saw design flaws he thought that he could correct. Strong as an ox and sporting all those glorious shift levers, the Jeffco is certainly capable of hanging on to lots of horsepower.

The video we have here is a but of a tutorial on how to street drive one of the transmissions and frankly it looks like a piece of cake. Because they actually ave a neutral position you can use that to your advantage at stoplights and other delays. By the looks of it, this thing can be downshifted as well. Shawn, who now oversees the company has cranked out some videos to educate people on how these things work and how steerable they are. To us, this is a brilliant idea because there are still lots of people who refuse to believe that one of these can be driven on the street whiteout a bunch of hassle.

The car is cool…the transmission is cooler!

Press play below to see how a Jeffco does on the street –

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1 thoughts on “The American Powertrain Parting Shift: Ripping Gears On The Street In A Jeffco Equipped El Camino

  1. TheCapeCodKid

    Having never used a Jeffco Trans. before. Was there a reason for him ( after the 1,2,3,4 shift ) that he went 3,4,2 before going back into 1st ?

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