Buyer Beware Video: This Duster Looked Like A Good Buy…Until Tony DeFeo Actually Looked At It In Person

Buyer Beware Video: This Duster Looked Like A Good Buy…Until Tony DeFeo Actually Looked At It In Person

We’ve literally all been there. The car we wanted for (close to) the price we wanted to pay for it. It’s exciting and exhilarating to go and see this thing that’s been the object of your desire, right? Then you get there and the little red flags start popping up. Things that were not mentioned in the ad, things that just do not look right, and things that did not make their way into the supplied photos, either. At that point, the program cuts one of two ways. You either forge ahead and mike a grand mistake by forgetting the problems the vehicle has or your cut bait and go home deflated.

You are going to see this exact scene play out here as Tony DeFeo goes to meet a guy about a Duster and from the beginning, things do not exactly stack up as they should. NOW, we should be 100% clear, the dude selling this car is not the bad guy here. He’s a guy with a Duster that he knows a little about but not the complete history or anything like that. We’re pretty sure that the guy in the video got as much of an education as Tony could deal out on the nuances of A-bodies.

In the end, there are some great lessons to be learned here and the most basic one is that you have to get off your keister and go look at stuff in person, preferably with a person who knows the stuff up down and sideways.

This is an interesting look at a scene we have all lived through before.

Press play below to see this video that shows the importance of checking cars

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11 thoughts on “Buyer Beware Video: This Duster Looked Like A Good Buy…Until Tony DeFeo Actually Looked At It In Person

  1. 75Duster

    When I’d seen the rear reflectors on this Duster I knew it was a bogus ’70 -’72 car.

  2. Ted

    Man I would fly to wherever Tony is having lunch just to buy the man a beer and bs for a couple of hours. He is the reason I bought my first Mustang LX coupe 5.0 stick car, and all the ones since.

    Great vid, problem is the guy selling it dismissed everything Tony pointed out the second he drove away, once a curber………..

  3. tw

    I know a guy who bought a hotrod on line , Paid transportation from Florida to home in Canada . Once here failed the inspection , the body was fitted and welded to the frame with mild steel anglebars . Had to rebuilt from scratch , cost him 3 times the original price . That thing looked so pretty on the pictures…

  4. RamAir

    I would have told this guy to take a hike, and by this guy, I mean the potential buyer. You want it, or you don\’t……

    1. 63 /6

      You’re the type of person who needs to be scammed. You don’t care if the seller is lying, or straight up doesn’t care.

  5. Anthony

    That thing was a turd. The guy knew he had a turd too. Good on Tony for calling him out. He shoulda took 8 and been happy

    1. MODEL KIT

      Give the time-and-effort wasting \”seller\’ 2 for it.A right and a left.


    I found Tony DeFeo\’s \’Uncle Tony Garage\’ channel on YouTube about 2 weeks ago.
    He\’s a straight-shootin\’, truth-talkin\’,no baloney kindah guy.

    That pieced-together guy wasted everyone\’s time and gas.
    AND,…..he gave everyone false hope.


  7. RK - no relation

    Tony was pretty nice to the guy. He told the guy facts about the car to his face and did not accuse him of anything (after all, who knows, the guy might have gotten scammed into owning the car himself).

    Way to go Tony for taking the high road and teaching us how to look at a car!

    Thanks for showing me this, I am now subscribed to his channel

  8. 63 /6

    The seller was straight up a scam artist. You can tell, just listen to him. Story changes at every discovery.

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