Thornhill Drag Strip Coverage: Straight Axle Cars Abound At The Historic Kentucky Strip – Check These Out

Thornhill Drag Strip Coverage: Straight Axle Cars Abound At The Historic Kentucky Strip – Check These Out

(Words and photos by Doug Gregory) – The fact my son’s birthday was the 30th played heavily into ensuring we made the trip up to Thornhill to enjoy some racing and hang out with car folk that like the same kind of stuff he does.  We’d already got permission from the track manager, Gary Koeinger, to shoot photos of cars up near the old time slip booth.  It provided a great backdrop for some car features we’ll bring you once we get them finished.

There is a car show that starts at 2pm and turnout wasn’t huge, but we learned there was another car show in the area.  The threat of rain and occasional claps of thunder also tend to keep the show-n-shine folks at bay.  Regardless we kept out cameras buzzing until the racing got started and still didn’t get photos of everything.  Enjoy these shots of competitors in the nostalgia class and some rides that came just to show off.  We enjoyed them all.

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