(Photos by David Whealon) – What difference does the race track make? As fans and drivers learned at the 2018 NHRA Virginia Nationals, the track makes all the difference in the world. The blazing heat of 90-degree days lead to track temperatures over 130-degrees. The difference maker was the incredible surface that Judy and Tommy Franklin had poured at the track they bought last October. There is not one expansion joint or irregularity in the entire length of the place. It is, by any and all measure, the flattest and most perfect surface in the world of drag racing. The teams were able to throw more power at the place in the heat, even with reduced track prep than ever before.
The action was great, the racing was hardcore and the crowds were massive. VMP was blown out for three days straight and the Franklin family had their hard work rewarded with 10s of thousands of thankful and excited Virginia drag racing fans.
This was one heck of a weekend and David Whealon’s photos do the nitro categories justice!