I am well aware that we live in the age of the turbocharger. They are everywhere. They are practically handing them out at the store when you buy groceries. I get it. They are efficient, they are awesome, they are high tech, and holy hell can they make power on basically anything. But with all that being said, they are not a blower and I will, until my dying day love superchargers. That’s why when I saw this vintage Mooneyham supercharger setup for a 348/409 Chevy engine, I immediately fell in love. The only thing cooler than a W-engine is a W-engine with this supercharger on it.
This seems like a damned complete setup to us. Heck, it even comes with the belt! The seller is wide open with the fact that he does not know if the supercharger needs to be serviced, rebuilt, or whatnot before being used. That being said, vintage supercharger and injector combos like this are tough to come by as more and more people are building period correct street and race cars. This obviously came off of a racing engine because only lunatic would be running a mechanically injected alky burning system like this on the street.
What would we put it in? Ohhhh, I dunno. How about a really period looking 1941 Willys gasser with an aluminum headed, full race 409? Imagine how good that Enderle injector hat would look coming through the hood of a Willys?! This is neat stuff and yes, you could certainly go to a supercharger dealer and work up a blower, intake, and hat for your W-engine but it would not be dripping near as much awesome off of it as this one is.
I’m in love. Belt driven, knuckle dragging, boosted, love.
eBay link: This vintage supercharger setup for a 349/409 is awesome!
I’d put that on a 409 and into a match bash style altered wheelbase, straight axle 62 Impala.
To use it with out having a blower expert go over it? Beyond silly. That said 348 & 409 prices have gone threw the roof. I would like to have a W block in a S-10 with such a blower on it. Why? have you ever seen a W-blocked s-10? It would be pure car show head scratching genius.