Watch A Drag Car Turn Into A Rally Car – New Video From Brazil, Car Travels Quarter Mile Into Jungle!

Watch A Drag Car Turn Into A Rally Car – New Video From Brazil, Car Travels Quarter Mile Into Jungle!

No, we are not rerunning the video we showed you the other day of a Chevy Opala running headong into a Brazilian jungle. Instead we were alerted to another video that came up on Facebook which depicts a car of similar strength to the Opala we showed you the other day hurtling down the track and losing its brakes. Unlike the Opala that stopped at the mouth of what can only be described as a jungle trail, this car goes in with a head of steam! We’re guessing that he is at least a quarter mile into the jungle by the time the machine stops, fully intact. The driver was not late on the parachutes and there’s clearly an issue with the brakes as we saw other video of the same car stopping just before the sand trap. The sand trap is a very short portion of this video, the jungle driving is the real show here.

Oh, the thing runs low 5s in the eighth at about 135mph with a manual transmission and a DOHC four banger that is turbocharged.  Like we told you the other day the course that these guys are running down is actually a road racing facility that is transformed into a drag strip by using one of the straights. Speedway Music Park is the name and it is one of many sites in Brazil where drag racing takes place. Our definition of an “unsafe” place to race in this part of the world may be a drag strip with metal guardrails. Down there, so long as there’s a mild hope of stopping, you’re good to go. Rightly or wrongly these guys are out racing any way that they can and we think that is pretty boss.

As we mentioned in the previous story from this same event, we have a TON of respect and admiration to the dedication, guile, brains, and dedication of these racers who go where they need to go and give it hell every time. There are no “bellagio” drag strips in Brazil but there are lots of dedicated racer running hard and fast whenever they get the chance. That’s 100% BangShift approved.





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1 thoughts on “Watch A Drag Car Turn Into A Rally Car – New Video From Brazil, Car Travels Quarter Mile Into Jungle!

  1. john

    At least he didn’t run throw a bunch of little guys in loin cloths with blowguns! Off roading….SSHHIITT!!

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