Watch As This FPV F6 Blasts Deep Into The Nines – Six Cylinder, Six-Speed Auto And Street Driven!

Watch As This FPV F6 Blasts Deep Into The Nines – Six Cylinder, Six-Speed Auto And Street Driven!

Had you told anyone twenty years ago that a car like this FPV (Ford Performance Vehicles) F6 would exist, you would have been laughed out of town. A rear-drive sedan? GM had just killed the B-bodies off for the sake of more SUVs, but at least nobody told the Australians that. A fast six cylinder? Buick guys might have had something to say about that, but overall the answer was still no, and the sixes certainly weren’t inlines. Besides, unless you owned a Grand National or T-type Regal, a six cylinder was meant for daily beaters, not all-out performance cars. Again, nobody told the Aussies. And while the U.S. market has only recently come around to the idea of a performance V6, the Aussies have been making powerful sixes since the 1970s, when Chrysler Australia’s Hemi-6 cranked out 302 horsepower from the factory.

The F6 seen here is a great “it shouldn’t be possible” vehicle. It looks great, it sounds good, and it runs 9.15@145 mph. And above all else, it’s street legal in Australia, land of the “Supercar Scare” and a place where hot-rodders still have a bit of a bad reputation to deal with in the public’s eye. Swap the slicks for the street tires and other than the Precision turbocharger’s hissing and spooling noises, who would be wiser? It’s even an automatic…admittedly, a very beefed-up six-speed box, but still…

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1 thoughts on “Watch As This FPV F6 Blasts Deep Into The Nines – Six Cylinder, Six-Speed Auto And Street Driven!

  1. Ian

    Runs a 9 and gets told don’t come back.
    Cars like this are the ultimate bench racers. You run a 9, but unless you put a cage in you’re not welcome at the track anymore.
    Put a cage in and you can’t drive it on the street.
    But how cool is it to pull a 9sec time slip out of the console? Bonus points for the kids seats in the back.

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