Watch The Mighty 911 Blown Fuel Roadster Thunder Across El Mirage At 255 MPH – Glorious Noise

Watch The Mighty 911 Blown Fuel Roadster Thunder Across El Mirage At 255 MPH – Glorious Noise

The Cummins Beck and Davidson 911 Roadster is the fastest roadster in the history of the world. It has gone over 300mph at Bonneville and it is among the most intimidating looking and purely evil automotive creations you’ll ever see. Dan Davidson, John Beck, and Donnie Cummins have done things with this car that people never even thought were possible with a roadster and they continue to smash records today. In fact, they were setting them last weekend at El Mirage at the opening meet of the 2016 SCTA season.

The roadster is powered by a blown, nitro burning Chrysler hemi engine and it sounds as good as it looks. In the case of this run, Donnie Cummins is behind the wheel. Cummins hold speed records and 200mph club memberships at locations across the country. He’s also about the most smiley guy that you will ever meet in your life. When he is not wearing a superman cape and piloting this car to superhuman automotive feats, Cummins works for Racepak.

In this video you’ll see the car making a 255mph run at El Mirage. This is not on salt, this is one dirt. In talking to Cummins about racing on this silty surface, he has told us there there’s a pretty bizarre phenomenon regarding the dust/dirt inside the car. As he is heading down course, the level of the silt/dust rises to the point where it is just about an eye level cloud inside the car when he hits the finish line. That cannot be a very good feeling at 255mph!

We have respect for all land speed racers, no matter the surface. Salt, asphalt, dirt, concrete, etc. We have to admit to having a special dose of respect for the El Mirage competitors as it seems to us that the surface those men and women run on is truly difficult.

Crank the speakers and listen to the magic!

Press play below to see Donnie Cummins drive the 911 blown fuel roadster 255mph –

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