As impressive as the massive power gains made by diesel truck enthusiasts have been, the era of the straight up dyno queen performance seems to be coming more and more of a close. The power is being applied to racing applications and pulling more than it ever has in the past. Because of that chassis and tuning developments on the track are bringing performances the likes of which non-diesel people would never believe. Take this video for example and watch how freaking hard the truck in the opposite lane pulls up to and runs right past the rig we are riding on.
Both of these trucks are set up to run and when you see the big Dodge come into the picture it looks perfect. The thing is rolling all kinds smoke, the chassis has transferred the weight onto the rear tires and it looks like a locomotive from hell. It is not a normal occurrence to see a car run down another car this quickly in the eighth mile let alone a really big and pissed off diesel truck!
There’s nothing like good old fashioned top end charge at the drags and this one comes the form of romping, stomping diesel truck. Watch below!
Thanks to knower of all things diesel Jason Sands for the tip!