Banghifter Rob Miller gets all the credit for sending us this pretty incredible Craigslist find which is centered around a custom built sport cars from the 1950s that is based on a Kaiser Henry J chassis and running gear. The body is made from fiberglass that seems to be backed by wood, and uses parts like a 1956 Corvette windshield, steering wheel, dash, and top. This is a really amazing car and not for its raw performance but for what it represents.
The sports car craze of the 1950s was not just limited to the stuff that was being imported from Europe. No, many industrious young men were building their own cars and fiberglass was the material that allowed ’em to do it. Admittedly most of these cars are pretty awkward, weird, and downright ugly but the custom car magazines of the time were filled end to end every month with cars that young guys had built themselves, cars like this one. Now, we’ll right here and now, this is probably the best looking garage built 1950s sports car we have seen in our lives and with the habit of leafing through the hundreds of 1950s magazines that we have around here, that is saying something.
From a side profile this car has some Karmann-Ghia feels to us. Proportionally, it is really good. There’s no weird overhangs and no weird width issues. We bet that there is some interesting history here, far beyond what most of these cars have. The guy or guys who built this were really good at what they were doing. Hopefully someone knows more. Until then, we’re hitting the magazine stack. We bet this one got some press back in the day.
In the event that the car sells before you can see the listing, here’s the text and a link to the ad
Out of fifty plus year storage . One off fiberglass body sports car on Henry J chassis . 1956 Corvette windshield steering wheel ,dash components, and soft top . Retains Henry J running gear . Engine turns over not running . Clear title as Henry J . Fair offers interesting trades considered
I saw this up close at Autorama…
It is rougher than it looks in pictures….
Someone might save it but it’s ugly
Pretty neat, not a show Queen, but a piece of our car history and someone’s idea of a sports car back in the day.
What would you do with it? Restore it back to period correct? Make it more modern, different drivetrain, etc? or just leave it alone?