Just when you thought that it was safe to go outside, we’re dropping this Norwegian pile of awesome on you! Yes, you are looking at a 1953 Volvo PV444 drift car and this is not just some junk that a guy plugged a pissed off motor in and drove sideways around a road course. Nope, this thing was scratch built to be as bad as anything you’d see across the globe while drifting and boy is it! The car has a full tube chassis, an 800hp stroker 2JZ inline six, and the steering angle of a forklift! The video below takes us through the build and use of the car and both elements are equally entertaining to us.
The bulbous fenders on this thing and the way that the roofline runs reminds us of the “fat fender” era of American auto styling that happened just after WWII. As car companies dusted off projects that were started before the war and picked up after it. The Volvo is an iconic car not only in the Nordic part of the world but all over the place. There was a guy who road raced one of these things in the SCCA when I was an announcer there 15 years ago. That car did not have an 800hp motor or tire smoke funneling from the rear wheel wells. This thing is radical!
We think most BangShifters will appreciate the build portion of the video because this thing was done with a lot of care and planning. Again, this is as far from “just stuff a motor in it and go” as it gets. We also think that the road course shown is one that some of our readers will recognize. Just when you think you have seen every type of drift car…this happens!