Ridetech’s Street Grip Explained In Video: This Stuff Really Works!

Ridetech’s Street Grip Explained In Video: This Stuff Really Works!

When Ridetech founder Bret Voelkel came to me and explained his thoughts on a complete system for muscle car enthusiasts that would come in one box and was focused on ride and handling without breaking the bank or making someone feel like they needed to go racing, I thought it was a genius plan. When I got to ride in the 1969 Z/28 Camaro that is so equipped I fell in love. For the average muscle car enthusiast that isn’t going to autocross or road race their car on a regular basis, this system is the perfect solution. We’re not going to sit here and give you the giant sales pitch, but we are going to tell you to check out the video below and click on the links to specific component videos. The one about bushings is amazing and a must see.

Oh and did we mention it all comes in one box? With a handle? Yeah, so if you decide to pick one up at a Goodguys show you can carry it back to the truck with no problems.

Check out Ridetech’s Street Grip below.


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1 thoughts on “Ridetech’s Street Grip Explained In Video: This Stuff Really Works!

  1. Scott Liggett

    Bret and the Ridetech crew hit a home run on this one. They found a hole in the market and filled it. The average muscle car owner may not want the full boat road race/autocross type of ride and suspension, but would like something better than what was on the car when built. Here is a kit that doesn’t require a lot of guessing to what shocks work with what springs.

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