The first three minutes of this video are going to seem weird and a little lame at first. Sort of funny though, and then are followed by an awesome amount of action in not one, but two, pretty fun machines. But if you start from the beginning, and stay til the end, you’ll end up laughing and realizing their was a method to the madness in the first few minutes of video. We’re not exactly sure where this was shot, but it certainly is beautiful and has some serious awesome forest and fire roads that look like a riot to thrash your junk on. We would have LOVED to have been part of this shoot and we’re pretty certain that once you see it you’ll feel the same way too. To call this thing a Gymkhana video is a bit off in our book, but if you are a fan of anything Shreddy or Ken Block do then this is going to be right up your alley.
Watch below and let us know if you agree that this dude is one lucky bastard as this looks like an absolute riot. And remember, if you find any cool videos online that you think we need to share with the rest of the BANGshift world, then tell us by submitting content directly to us. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT CONTENT TO BANGSHIFT