How To Build Your Own Carbon Fiber Roof Part 2: Removing The Steel Roof And Installing The New Carbon Roof

How To Build Your Own Carbon Fiber Roof Part 2: Removing The Steel Roof And Installing The New Carbon Roof

When we saw the Speed Academy gang building a carbon fiber roof for their classic 1977 Celica, we were intrigued. And the process was cool as hell. If you missed it, CLICK HERE TO SEE THEM MOLD IT DIRECTLY ON THE STOCK ROOF, in an effort to make the inside surface super smooth and cool instead of using a headliner. I’ve built fiberglass parts before, and it isn’t easy when you are trying to make something super clean and nice. When you are talking about making something that has a continues visible carbon layer, the difficulty level would seem to go through the roof, but they make it look so easy.

This is the kind of project that I would never have considered doing myself, until watching this video. So again, it is something that is inspiring. So does that mean I’m going to run out and make a carbon roof for one of my cars? Well may not today, but if I did have a car that could use one I would be much more likely to try it out now that I’ve seen it done on this project.

In Part 2 here they cut the old roof off and bond the new one one. Stay tuned for more updates too!

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