ACED: AutoCross Every Day! NEAR MISS – Stop Going Straight Car! Stop Going Straight!

ACED: AutoCross Every Day! NEAR MISS – Stop Going Straight Car! Stop Going Straight!

The dude driving this Saab about crapped himself on this run! We’ve all been on the track and overcooked a corner only to find ourselves incredibly sideways or in a car pushing like a dump truck. Usually when it’s the latter you run over some cones or have to slow down so much to get traction that the run is a throw away. The incredible push this guy experienced didn’t cost any cones their lives, or just slow him down, it took him completely off the course into a side street, and soiled both his and his passengers shorts! Watch the entire video, because the foreshadowing is great, as is the woman’s reaction after all the tragedy is over.

Wow, this one is a little hairy. That’s why we chose it for today’s ACED: AutoCross Every Day video.

If you have a video that would be good for ACED, email us at [email protected]

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1 thoughts on “ACED: AutoCross Every Day! NEAR MISS – Stop Going Straight Car! Stop Going Straight!

  1. Brad Roberts

    Awesome! Now the guy behind him doesn’t get a time because he didn’t cross the beams! 🙁 Classic overcooked the front tires understeer 🙂 Note to self: If I go into the first corner and it understeers? It doesn’t get better as the run progresses!! LOL Hey Chad!

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