As if driving one of these H1 Unlimited Hydro boats wasn’t crazy enough when things go right, imagine how bad it is when things go wrong! The views are amazing in this video, including several different on board shots from several boats, and the amount of bumping and banging their doing is amazing! This video that GoPro put together has awesome shots of these Unlimited Hydro boats being hoisted into the water, starting, and then hauling ass around the course, and while it goes oh so right for most, that’s not the case for all of them. Check this out, it will give you an entirely different perspective on what it’s like to be in one of these things.
Would we do it? Hmmmm. Hell yes! But probably not with a dozen other guys out there at the same time, for their sake and ours. Click play to watch, cause this is one video you don’t want to miss.
miss the sound of the WW2 airplane style engines but these are WAY faster and safer, watched them for years on Lake Washington in Seattle, could hear them where I lived 15 miles away.