How Much Power Does A NASCAR Impact Gun Make? The Torque Test Channel Customizes And Tests One!

How Much Power Does A NASCAR Impact Gun Make? The Torque Test Channel Customizes And Tests One!

NASCAR impact guns are some badass pieces. They are not just a stock impact gun, but rather one that has been blueprinted, ported, and more so that they can run on much higher air pressure and way higher rpm than your impact gun does at home. But they also make insane torque and are capable of tightening lug nuts up so that they will handle the rigors of racing and also can get them back off in a split second. They are ultra trick tools that have to be up to the repeated pit stops and yet have to be light enough to handle at the breakneck speeds that the pit crew is working at.

In this video you’ll see the Torque Test Channel take the closest thing to a NASCAR impact gun put through its paces after being hot rodded into full NASCAR trim.

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Find it here: The Ingersoll Ran wheel gun is famous for its pit lane symphony on TV, well the IR 232TGSL is about as close as you’ll get to having one in real life. That is unless you sent us one to test and got back an absolute monster from us working some magic on it. Let’s see how close we can get to true glory!

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1 thoughts on “How Much Power Does A NASCAR Impact Gun Make? The Torque Test Channel Customizes And Tests One!

  1. yourdudeness

    interesting test???? wish they would of spoke of I.D. of fittings,,,,, from my experience you get what you pay for P/D seem to work well

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