Crushing It: Car Bros. Most Genius Lampoon Video – The Fiero Enzo Hits A Super Car Show!

Crushing It: Car Bros. Most Genius Lampoon Video – The Fiero Enzo Hits A Super Car Show!

My joy in watching Car Bros. videos is palpable. These guys make some of the funniest and smartest car comedy YouTube magic ever and they are back. Yes, this is the Car Bros. most genius lampoon video and it takes square aim at the millennial douche car “vloggers” who make super car videos and simultaneously make the rest of the world want to hit them with a shovel. Playing the role of the typical douche to a T in this video, all the bases get hit. Of course the massive plot twist comes when he actually takes his Fiero Enzo to a supercar show and gauges the reactions. The fact that this dude actually bought this car to use it in making videos shows the level of BangShifty dedication they have for this junk. It is awesome.

Anyway, we think that you will enjoy this video, especially the part when he gets to the supercar show and the way people react to the car as it is pulling in and eventually put on display. These guys are awesome and I think you’ll dig the fun being had here.

Press play below to see the Car Bros. most genius lampoon video yet –

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