Check Out This Great Video Of Test Running The 1980 Miss Budweiser Offshore Race Boat During The 2024 Apollo Columbia Cup!

Check Out This Great Video Of Test Running The 1980 Miss Budweiser Offshore Race Boat During The 2024 Apollo Columbia Cup!

Regardless of the era, Miss Budweiser has always been an impressive boat, and arguably one of the most famous off-shore race boats ever. So when I saw this video of the 1980 version of Miss Budweiser, running now at the 2024 Apollo Columbia Cup, I knew I had to share. What’s funny is that I just sat and talked to some of the Vesco Racing team that runs a turbine engine in their streamliner at Bonneville, and some of the coolest Miss Budweiser’s ever were turbine powered.

This one however is Griffon powered, which means 2,240 cubic inches! This thing is rad, and it dominated the 1980 boat racing season.

Video Description:

Gale Whitestine takes the 1980 Griffon Miss Budweiser out on the Columbia River during the Friday Morning test session.

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