No Joke: Cleetus Gets His Hands On Another Electric Turbo and Makes More Power

No Joke: Cleetus Gets His Hands On Another Electric Turbo and Makes More Power

We were all pretty surprised around here recently when Cleetus McFarland strapped a Torque Amp electric turbocharger to his weenie little Chevy Cobalt and shaved 1.5 seconds off the ET and picked up about 10mph. The insanely easy installation, pushbutton use, and overall power production were impressive to us because frankly we knew nothing about the company or the tech they have developed to make these units work.

While not cheap at $2,500 a piece, the fact that you effectively charge a batter and connect two wires, mount the thing wherever you want, and don’t need to spend a fortune on fabrication to get ’em rocking and rolling mean that the money may be well spent in many applications.

No, these things are not destined for pro modified engines any time soon but they are making power on the little engine in the Cobalt and the company is now offering two turbo setups that can be used in series or in parallel to feed an engine. Cleetus decided to take the plunge and add more boost (or at least try to) on the Cobalt. How does it go?

Well we left surprised again because these things clearly do the job they are intended to do and we’re not just saying that because the boys are whooping and hollering about them, we’re saying it because the chassis dyno tells us so!

Watch this video and have a laugh but also pay attention because these little suckers wake this car up a ton!

Press play to see twin electric turbos get tested on the chassis dyno


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3 thoughts on “No Joke: Cleetus Gets His Hands On Another Electric Turbo and Makes More Power

  1. mark tucker

    I would love one of these but at that cost i could just put a real turbo kit on….I just dont see any up side to these.have them send me one and Ill give it a try on my 2.4 slug solstice.Ill even put a inter cooler on it.

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