Cold Shouldered: The Not-So-Pretty Side Of The Zell am See Ice Race!

Cold Shouldered: The Not-So-Pretty Side Of The Zell am See Ice Race!

Hooray, ice and snow. For the playful in all of us, the world is our new drift course, filled with empty parking lots and soft snowbanks to quickly scrub off speed if we really need some help. Hey, I’m guilty as anyone when it comes to wintertime over-exuberance…a couple of feet of snow and an abandoned King Soopers parking lot one year was a godsend to a teenager that prior to, had very little experience in the ice and snow. I learned how easily a G-body crosses up and taught myself every last trick in the book regarding how to handle the 1978 Chrysler LeBaron I wound up trading into. I also learned how far was too far….whether it was because I spun about three times more than I had intended to, or because I slightly thumped the sloped retaining wall when I went too wide on a drift with the rear bumper.

Snow and ice are to be respected in the car regardless of your skill level. I don’t care if you’re driving on tires that look like the devil’s own lawn aerator, you can still be caught up if you miss a step or two. At the Zell am See GP Ice Race in the Austrian alps, the fun of racing around on an ice course was bound to create a few moments where there was a minor “oops” or two, be it a touring car that got stuck or a rally car that broadsided the snow wall. Though, we would like a little more insight on the one-legged skier that was chasing down his tow car…

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