Rally racing is unique for any number of reasons but perhaps the biggest is that it is largely done without walls or devices to prevent cars from coming into contact with stuff like houses, bodies of water, trees, and giant roadside rocks. Also unique is the fact that the majority of rally racing is done on public roads. Sure there are “street circuit” Grand Prix events, but this rally stuff requires a couple of cops at intersections, some police tape, and balls to actually pull off.
In this video we see a small car (sorry, we don’t know what it is) hauling tail through a forest section of this rally as photographers and journalists taking cover behind some giant tree. The car comes in hot to a corner on the wet road and in an instant smashes into a tree, instantly destroying the race car and sending parts and pieces flying in all conceivable directions. We ran some Google Translate action on the Polish description of the video and said description tells us that the driver and co driver are actually in “good” condition or at least were when this video was released. It is amazing to watch what happens to the car when they hit. In an instant, the machine is bent like a freaking banana. Trust us, you’ll be able to see it.
Lastly, we have huge amounts of respect for anyone who straps into a race car, no matter the genre. We have a special place to admiration to people running professional level or really fast stuff on narrow roads that they barely know, avoiding local obstacles, and living to see the checkered flag. The wreck you will see here below is completely impossible in any other form of racing. We’re hoping that the driver and co-driver pull through their medical issues quick!
Wow! That is (or used to be) a Peugeot 106, late 1990’s vintage.
Would be intresting to see and compare same crash with a modern rally car. Bet wouldnt look so badly.
I bet parts of that car are still bouncing….
The wipers ALWAYS end up working.
They must be designed by NASA
Well, they were made to clean layers of dirt/snow/ice and other hard-stuck things from the first time. Some broken glass shouldn’t be a problem 😀