We show you funny Craigslist Ads and other stuff from time to time that people with our same sense of humor post. You know the ones with the car so rotted that it looks like a movie prop and it is advertised as a “complete” car or something that anyone would restore. Well we now have that type of deal in a video format as we join the guys below who are trying to unload…or load a well worn 1971 Challenger. If you are someone that thinks every old Mopar deserves to be saved and treated like it was capable of walking across a lake when new, look away and look away fast. If you are someone who doesn’t maintain that same idea, you’ll probably be OK and you might actually laugh.
The guys from the Mopars Unlimited Facebook page posted this video and with it the text that they would sell this pristine 1971 Challenger complete for $27,000 to the first person that called. Like we said, a video version of a Craigslist ad except this one has an absolute and final punchline.
We’d go on but you may already see where this is going. That’s going to leave a mark…and hurt that $27,000 asking price. Wow!
Mopars Ulimited get to work on their latest project – the world’s first Dodge Challenger trike…….
Never knew Challengers came with detachable front ends! Now they can sell them separately and make more money!
Looks like this one has spend some time on your damp little island, eh Geordie? Should make you feel all tingly looking at this rust pile
what’s not to like?
They can’t be serious on the price.
Read the article perhaps.
I did kinda wince… but at least it looks like some of that sheet metal may be usable for fixing up other Challengers.
Quick change front end?
It’s like a giant mozzarella stick for Optimus Prime!