Event Photo Coverage: 2017 Hardcore Happening Burnouts!

Event Photo Coverage: 2017 Hardcore Happening Burnouts!

(Photos by Anthony Festa – VISIT HIS PHOTOGRAPHY SITE HERE) – The 2017 Hardcore Happening was its usual awesome show and we’re happy to report that Anthony Festa was there with his picture taking machine and he has shared some great images with us. Because we are who we are, we’re leading off with his burnout photos. What’s more fun than burnouts? Not much in our book! Frying tires has been a signature move in hot rodding since the beginning. Back in the day, if you had a car that could “lay rubber” you were someone to be reckoned with. If you had a car that could melt the tires to the cords, you were heroic.

With a closed off stretch of road, a cornfield on one side, and people getting fog banked in by tire smoke, this looks like a genuinely good time. You’ll notice that the cars and trucks range from later model stuff to some ratty looking traditional stuff, to clean street machines.

The Old Soul Hot Rod Shop puts on the event every year in Leroy, New York. If you want to learn more about the event visit the website at HardCoreHappening.com. We’re going to be back with more great photos tomorrow!

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2 thoughts on “Event Photo Coverage: 2017 Hardcore Happening Burnouts!

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Look at me – no brain
    I come from Freedom Valley
    If you believe in Donald
    Come along to our rally

    Freedom Valley
    Freedom Valley
    We’ll turn your brains to putty
    Freedom Valley
    Freedom Valley
    Mindlessness means purity

    From Freedom Valley – the anthem of the rubber burning dipshits!

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