(Photos by Charles Wickam) – People in Texas have a lot of pride. They love their massive state and all the things that it represents. The open spaces, the huge cities, the oil, the cattle, and the rest of the stuff that has come from the land of Sam Houston makes Texans happy to brag on their home state. We have to say that Texas also does cars the right way. From events like the Lone Star Round Up to the Houston Autorama, you’ll be hard pressed to find more diversity, quality, and interesting stuff anywhere int he country. Charles Wickam’s photos from the Houston Autorama prove that point vividly.
The Corvair trucks and vans you will see here are among the favorite vehicles that the Wickam coverage exposed to us. How about this camper van in the lead photo. We had only ever seen old photos of them and this thing 100% perfect like it was built yesterday!
Enjoy the photos and tell us what your favorites are in the comments below.
Click the images below to expand them and then scroll on to see ’em all –