It is always cool when racers swap cars and have some fun. Inevitably it is done because of a sponsor connection or some overriding media concern but the fun still exists and the whole thing can be kind of a treat, especially when we’re talking about two heavyweight racers and heavyweight cars. That was exactly the scene the other day in Bahrain as retiring F1 star Fernando Alonso and NASCAR living legend Jimmie Johnson swapped their respective cars and made some laps on the track. Johnson’t experience was funny in that his helmet was coming off early in the fun and he to come in and get that fixed. Alonso’s side of the tale is awesome because he basically admits to the fact that he had no idea what the hell he was dong and even by the end of it had less of a clue about how to go fast in a NASCAR stock car.
That’s not said in a mocking way towards the hero F1 driver but instead in a fun and respectful way because as you will see in his quotes from the story he was lost. Lost on the brakes, handling, lack of traction aids, etc. Yes, the NASCAR is like a milk truck compared to the space aged F1 car but this is the type of thing that makes racing fun, right? Read the linked story, the quotes are great.