Larry Chen Shoots Quarter Midgets Racing At Indianapolis Motor Speedway And The Results Are Spectacular

Larry Chen Shoots Quarter Midgets Racing At Indianapolis Motor Speedway And The Results Are Spectacular

We have to admit to being complete fan boys of photographer and writer Larry Chen. The guy is an incredible shooter who captures the events he attends in a way that few others can or could. His photos all tell stories and they tell them in the different ways. Sometimes in jaw dropping fashion, sometimes in an intimate manner, and sometimes in a casual style that still gets to the heart of wherever he is. Recently Chen was at Indianapolis Motor Speedway shooting a massive gathering of quarter midget racer kids competing from around the country. More than 500 of the cars were on hand and as Larry shows us, the action was awesome and family-centric.

Quarter midget racing is the breeding ground of tomorrow’s circle track racing stars. Somewhere in this massive gathering of kids and cars sit the next generation of top level racers that will climb the competitive ladder to reach the top. Sure, today they are racing with 20hp but that will soon escalate. Quarter midgets are an industry in and unto themselves in the racing world. Some kids race for fun, some race with fleeing dreams of racing glory, and others race because they know exactly where they want to end up.

Grooming young racers is now something done across all of motorsports. From kids on little dirt bikes to the junior dragsters of the straight line world, it is a proven commodity. Many of the top drag racers today are junior dragster graduates. The proof is int he pudding and this is some pudding that Larry Chen whipped up like the photographic maestro that he is.


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